Til optimal transmission af signaler fra musikinstrumenter til en mixer eller forstærker. Forstyrrelser, der skyldes tilpasningsproblemer, fx brum, undgås bedst ved brug af en transformerkobling. Indgang og udgang er her galvanisk adskilt.
Til line-enheder benyttes LTR serien!
2-kanals DI-box
- Niveaukontrol (0/-20/-40 dB) for hver kanal
- Ground lift for hver kanal
- Feed-through udgang for hver kanal
- Balanceret transformer
- Robust metalkabinet
tools4music 06/2009 on the LSP-102, LC-31, FGA-102, FGA-202, DIB-102
"Recommendable and fit for on-the-road applications. An attractively priced little audio aid, perfect for the ever accompanying tool case."
tools4music 02/2010 "The DIB-102 from IMG Stage Line impresses by both the attractive price and the very stable housing. The frequency curve is exemplary."