Stereo forforstærker
Tilpasningsproblemer og dårlig lyd kan opstå, når man forbinder smartphones, mobiltelefoner, tablets og MP3-afspillere til en forstærker eller en mixer. Med korrekt indstilling af impedans og gain sørger SLA-35 for en bedre lyd.
- Justerbar attenuation ned til 1/10 (-20 dB) eller gain op til det 10-dobbelte (+20 dB)
- Impedansomskifter Hi/Lo
- RCA- og 3,5 mm stereoind- og udgange
- Metalkabinet
- Strømforsyning medfølger
tools4music 04/2013
"This unit is an excellent addition to your tool case. With the required connections and a volume control with well-dimensioned amplification, the SLA-35 from MONACOR is an ideal aid for level adjustments. It is of solid workmanship and service-friendly. The SLA-35 was intended as a basic level control and impedance converter. However, due to its excellent S/N ratio and the wide frequency range, it is also suitable for traditional high-end premium hi-fi applications."
tastenwelt 04/2013
"With the SLA-35, it is also possible to use smartphones as an audio source at the mixer. The level/impedance converter allows for perfect signals. This results in absolutely clean signals which prevent both clipping and noise. Top workmanship!"
EVENT Rookie 03/2013
"An excellent aid for the generation smartphone - the functionality is as simple as it is brilliant - With the rotary control at the front panel, the input signal can either be attenuated or amplified by 20 dB max. This prevents an overload and thus clipping of the following mixer or an underload accompanied by audible noise."